Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Healing Science and Christianity


Christianity has put emphasis on social services throughout it's history that include health. Sometimes, this form comes in supernatural ways, however, now it's shifting towards more scientific means. Hannah Gay has cured a baby with Aids. She was a former missionary in Ethiopia. This article expands on the missionary experience tying in with large medical finds. Doctors who have had missionary experience have been connected with identifying new cancers, treating leprosy, new global health organizations, and creating innovative cancer treatments.

Disqualification for showing faith - High School Track


This is a bit ridiculous. An athlete after finishing, and winning, a race pointed his finger to the sky looking as a show of thanks to God. Now, the whole team is disqualified because it violated a University Interscholastic League regulation barring any display of excessive celebration.

A New Exodus?


This article presenting an interesting shift in demographics. Christians in Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan are leaving their areas in increasing and unprecedented rates. This may be explained by increase in violence. Churches in these areas are being bombed and people have been crucified. Surprisingly, in the future we may no longer any trace of Christian people in these areas where it originated.

Falling Plates

Here's a cool use of visual media spreading the Christian message. They use falling plates to represent our brokenness along with a myriad of other cool images! I really liked the message of this video and it was made really well. However... the whole time I couldn't help but wonder how many plates they broke and couldn't help but really wish I was the person breaking all of them haha.

Spoken Word!

A few years ago we saw a video boom in popularity called "Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus" that was spoken word poetry. From this popular video we see a spread in spoken word poetry being expressed along with Christian values.

An Army of Christian Teens


An interesting article that covers a new teenage Christian movement called The Thaw. Their message is that today's culture is presenting a frozen Christianity. We're limited by what we can say in school and we're criticized for some of the beliefs we hold. Under the verse in Matthew that calls us to be the salt and light of the world, they call forth action to thaw out modern day Christianity. 
Overall, I thought it was creative, but the video itself was a bit cheesy/dramatic. 

Atheists encouraging Bible reading


This is new, Atheists are now encouraging people to read the Bible. They believe it actually supports their cause, which is interestingly contrary to some of the things we've learned in class. From our Christian Thinkers, a lot of them view Scripture as communication to God. However, here we have a case where instead of bringing people closer to God, it's pushing them back.

The article then goes on to state how new readers, when reading through the Old Testament see a brutal God of the Jews. They're floods and whole cities being destroyed. A powerful accusation is made by Michael Scott Earl, accusing God of being a terrorist, "the U.S. Department of Defense defines terrorism as 'the calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate others in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.'" Instead of the Bible being used to draw people in, some Atheists are using it to turn people away.